
Ergebnisse sortiert nach Vorname.
{1638} ♂ Benjamin Franklin Pierce Bolon
Letzte Änd.: 2003-11-08
✱:1852-11-03 in Cuba, Fulton Co., IL
✝:1928-09-05 in Smithfield, Fulton Co., IL
{3517} ♂ Benjamin Joseph Bolon
Letzte Änd.: 2016-09-29
✱:1942-09-10 in Canton, IL
✝:1990-02 in Fulton Co,IL
{1645} Howard Berlin Bolon
{3512} Nancy Ella Kaler
{1637} ♂ Charles Henry Bolon
Letzte Änd.: 2003-11-08
✱:1875-02-08 in Deerfield, Twp., IL
✝:1929-01-07 in Canton, IL
{1638} Benjamin Franklin Pierce Bolon
{1639} Sarah Melissa Lasswell
{3515} ♂ Charles Henry Bolon
Letzte Änd.: 2004-11-07
✱:1934-07-23 in Cuba, IL
✝:1952-09-07 in Canton, IL
{1645} Howard Berlin Bolon
{3512} Nancy Ella Kaler
{3516} ♀ Dolores Ann Bolon [Dege]
Letzte Änd.: 2007-10-06
✱:1937-01-24 in Canton, IL
{1645} Howard Berlin Bolon
{3512} Nancy Ella Kaler
{1640} ♀ Gladys Dessie Bolon
Letzte Änd.: 2003-11-08
✱:1897-10-18 in Smithfield, IL
✝:1973-01-25 in St. Joseph, MO
{1637} Charles Henry Bolon
{1584} Brighetta Bertha Helle
{1644} ♂ Harry Cloyd Bolon
Letzte Änd.: 2003-11-08
✱:1905-06-06 in Smithfield, IL
✝:1970-03-22 in Ft. Leonard Wood, MO
{1637} Charles Henry Bolon
{1584} Brighetta Bertha Helle
{1645} ♂ Howard Berlin Bolon
Letzte Änd.: 2012-10-18
✱:1908-03-22 in Smithfield, IL
✝:1972-02-28 in Canton, IL
{1637} Charles Henry Bolon
{1584} Brighetta Bertha Helle
{1646} ♂ Leslie Wilson Bolon
Letzte Änd.: 2010-10-15
✱:1918-12-10 in Smithfield, IL
✝:1988-07-02 in
{1637} Charles Henry Bolon
{1584} Brighetta Bertha Helle
{1642} ♀ Leta Maye Bolon
Letzte Änd.: 2013-04-17
✱:1901-04-13 in Smithfield, IL
✝:1937-02-07 in Smithfield, IL
{1637} Charles Henry Bolon
{1584} Brighetta Bertha Helle
{1643} ♂ Lucien Milton Bolon
Letzte Änd.: 2013-04-17
✱:1903-09-22 in Smithfield, IL
✝:1953-01-15 in St. Joseph, MO
{1637} Charles Henry Bolon
{1584} Brighetta Bertha Helle
{3070} ♀ Myrtle Muriel Bolon [Helle]
Letzte Änd.: 2013-04-27
✱:1905-10-05 in Smithfield, IL
✝:1965-03-15 in Canton, IL
{3071} Samuel Perry Bolon
{3072} Alta Ellen McCance
{1641} ♂ Russell Eugene Bolon
Letzte Änd.: 2012-10-18
✱:1899-04-28 in Smithfield, IL
✝:1972-12-02 in Smithfield, IL
{1637} Charles Henry Bolon
{1584} Brighetta Bertha Helle
{3071} ♂ Samuel Perry Bolon
Letzte Änd.: 2003-11-17
✱:1877-10-31 in Cass, Fulton, IL
✝:1946-12-15 in Smithfield, Cass, Fulton, IL

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